Opgeloste problemen in Pythagoras 2024
Hier vind je een overzicht van opgeloste problemen per update.
24.07 | -General- | Link correct help files | 8307 |
24.07 | Conversion Maps | It is not possible to define formulas on database fields | 8254 |
24.07 | DWG/DXF import/export | Arc segment becomes complete Arc or Polyline | 8227 |
24.07 | Tools | Create horizontal texts only allows 20 lines in v24 | 8309 |
24.06 | Conversion Maps | Conversion hangs during processing | 8260 |
24.06 | Conversion Maps | Dropdown of database columns remains empty after you choose a database table | 8253 |
24.06 | DTM | Crash Creating DTM with Use Breaklines checked | 8262 |
24.06 | DTM | DTM difference cannot be calculated | 8297 |
24.06 | DTM | Creation of DTM with polygon causes crash | 8281 |
24.06 | DTM | Unwanted complex triangulation after Edit terrain model | 8269 |
24.06 | DTM | DTM issue with complex polygon | 8282 |
24.06 | DTM | Removing intersected DTM triangles doesn't work | 8274 |
24.06 | Images | Imported pyramid tiff image has different DPM | 8265 |
24.06 | Open / Save / Close | Wrong message about a document to open contains newer features. | 8251 |
24.06 | Print to PDF | Line widths are not shown correctly on pdf | 8171 |
24.06 | VBO | Image.PositionRect property returns the wrong coordinates | 8289 |
24.05 | CRS | WISH: Add EPSG:3814, EPSG:2899, EPSG:2900 (State of Mississippi) | 8216 |
24.05 | DTM | DTM triangulation is adding unnecessary extra vertexes | 8187 |
24.05 | DTM | Some points are not taken in to account during difference calculation | 8239 |
24.05 | DTM | Menu item New Terrain Model is disabled after solving error | 8226 |
24.05 | Find | Existing databases can not be accessed in find-dialog | 8245 |
24.05 | Open / Save / Close | Drawing info: strings are shifted on open | 8242 |
24.05 | Road Design | Superelevation is not correct for single-sided cross sections | 8224 |
24.05 | Toolbars | Unpack of polyline creates arc objects that do not coincide with the original polyline | 8240 |
24.05 | Tools | Automatic polygon creation issue | 8199 |
24.04 | DWG/DXF import/export | Arcs get disconnected after export | 8201 |
24.04 | DWG/DXF import/export | Exported arcs have wrong elevation | 8202 |
24.04 | Import & Export | Import LandXML file hangs | 8197 |
24.03 | 3D Tools | Using the 3D screen causes system crash | 8183 |
24.03 | Cross Sections | Missing foot lines in length profile | 8184 |
24.03 | DWG/DXF import/export | Export 3D arcs in Pythagoras to 3D arcs in DWG | 8185 |
24.03 | Object edit/format | When moving objects from local to page, some polygons are 'broken' | 8174 |
24.03 | Object edit/format | System error LibMgrUI, 22 when selecting system library styles in the Bulgarian version | 8167 |
24.03 | Point clouds | Colour by intensity does not correspond with expected result | 8172 |
24.03 | Point clouds | Holes are present when exporting a cut point cloud | 8158 |
24.03 | Polylines | Polygon creation gets stuck in a loop | 8146 |
24.03 | Print to PDF | Add print to PDF option in viewer version | 8142 |
24.03 | Road Design | Local elevation values are shown in road design when the coordinate system is global | 8163 |
24.03 | Road Design | Superelevation not shown correctly in cross section window | 8157 |
24.03 | Symbols | wanted: a linestyle option where the original lengths are kept | 3734 |
24.03 | Tools | Selection tool does not work anymore after unpacking polylines | 8189 |
24.03 | UI | Sorting of dZ column in inconsistent data dialog box for DTMs does not work | 8182 |
24.03 | Vectorizer | Vectorization of images is not possible anymore | 7866 |
24.02 | Conversion Maps | Possibility to add more than one database condition | 8097 |
24.02 | Defaults/Settings | Change behaviour of chainage format for numbers < 100 | 8110 |
24.02 | Find | Show only non-empty tables in Find dialog box | 8039 |
24.02 | Import & Export | Incorrect import of LandXML file | 8150 |
24.02 | Object Attributes | Layer isolation cannot be stopped when there is no snappable object in the drawing. | 8121 |
24.02 | Object edit/format | Clip all objects outside of polygon raises system error Clipping, 17 | 8153 |
24.02 | Open / Save / Close | System error Symbols, 13 when saving a document | 8154 |
24.02 | Point clouds | Pythagoras crashes when importing the set of of point cloud files | 8145 |
24.02 | Point clouds | Intensity is not visualised properly | 8144 |
24.02 | Point clouds | Export does not work from 3D environment | 8147 |
24.02 | Point clouds | Wanted: Colour by intensity for E57-files | 8148 |
24.02 | Symbols | WISH: define symbols in fixed unicolor | 8113 |
24.02 | Tools | Isolate layer should use a different colour for greyed out objects when a dark background is used | 8125 |
24.02 | Tools | Ctrl + doubleclick on a text does not flip it anymore | 8137 |
24.02 | UI | Wihs: Edit Object - Library style dialog box should be adjustable in size | 8127 |
24.02 | VBA | Wish: Creating parallel lines should be possible with polylines in VBA | 7918 |
24.01 | Conversion Maps | Text fonts conversions always reset to Pythagoras Vector font | 8111 |
24.01 | CRS | Large coördinates - copy/paste - causes crash | 8105 |
24.01 | Object Attributes | Style "Hidden" is not always visible in list for points | 8118 |
24.01 | Tools | Polygon by click uses objects that are isolated | 8114 |
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